
This disclaimer applies to the content and use of the website www.oh20footballshirts.com. OH20 Football Shirts informs you as follows:


OH20 Football Shirts makes every effort to ensure that the information on the website is free of errors. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee this. OH20 Football Shirts is not liable in case of “obvious” (typographical) errors. These are errors that every visitor to the website should assume to be a mistake. If you come across an error, we would appreciate it if you could inform us. Please send an email to info@oh20footballshirts.com.


OH20 Football Shirts, or the rights holder, reserves all rights, including copyrights, trademarks, portrait rights, and/or other intellectual property rights, with regard to everything displayed on the website. This includes texts, illustrations, and graphic materials, among others. None of these rights are transferred to visitors/users of the website. It is not permitted to disclose, reproduce, store, or make available to others the site or parts thereof, without the express written permission of OH20 Football Shirts.

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OH20 Football Shirts may change the information on the website, including the text of this disclaimer, at any time without prior notice. Therefore, we recommend checking regularly whether the information on the website has been modified.